MSTP students in the Sahoo lab
Medical Scientist Training Program

MCW Medical Scientist Training Program Information

MCW MSTP is dedicated to comprehensive training of physician scientists, interweaving foundational sciences, advancement of biomedical research, and integration and advancement of medical practice.

The new 3-phase MCWfusion Curriculum provides our students a more integrated medical training experience, greater transition flexibility, and the opportunity for a streamlined time course for program completion.

MCW MSTP Curriculum

MCW MSTP Curriculum Table

Years 0-1.5: Medical studies (Foundational years) → STEP 1
Years 1.5-5.5: Graduate School → PhD
Years 5.5-8: Medical studies (Clerkship years) → STEP 2 → MD/PhD

MCW MSTP Program Structure

Students complete the dual degree following a 1.5 yr - 3.5/4.5 yr - 2 yr training model:

MCW MSTP Curriculum Program Structure

MSTP Training

Research and discovery motivate and intrigue you. MCW-MSTP will work with you to define your research options, which allows you to thrive while training.

Medical School Phase 1

Medical School Phase 1

Our innovative approach to Academic Medicine will take you on a journey where you’ll learn the skills to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of medical discovery, cutting-edge research and patient care.

In addition to the MCW MSTP specific activities listed below, you will follow the MCWfusion Curriculum.

  • Summer Research: Four-week rotations prior to and during Phase 1 summers in potential PhD mentor labs.
  • Phase 1 Journal Club: Student organized and student run club that meets to discuss the scientific literature.
  • Phase 1 Mechanisms of Human Disease Course
  • Phase 1 PhD Mentor Selection: Meet with MSTP mentoring committee in your decision-making process for summer rotations and ultimately to identify a PhD mentor.
  • Big Sib-Little Sib: Current students are paired up with new students to provide additional mentoring in the program.
  • Meet each MSTP class for vertical integration enrichment.
Learn about the MCWfusion Curriculum
Graduate School

Graduate School

MCW is a major national research center, the largest research institution in Southeast Wisconsin and second largest in Wisconsin.

MCW MSTP is committed to facilitating the excellence of your training and will guide and support you as you develop the skills of an independent investigator within our scientific community!

  • Select a PhD advisor from research laboratories in the basic science departments or research centers.
  • Trainees typically complete their PhD degree in 3.5 – 4.5 years.
  • 50 hours of clinical activity for transition back into medical school
  • Attend National MD/PhD Student Conference
  • Fellowship GS Course: Grant writing course for NIH F30 and F31 fellowships
  • Research in Progress (RIP): Graduate students present research each year to other MSTP students.
  • Workshops: Utilizing MSTP specific small group workshops, trainees develop writing and communications skills in team-based, active learning sessions
    • Dissertation and Manuscript Writing
    • Methods for Enhancing Reproducibility
    • Morning Report
    • Residency Selection
    • Rising Phase 3 Refresher Activities
View MCW Graduate School programs
Medical School Phase 2

Medical School Phase 2

During your core clinicals MCW MSTP helps you prepare for residency and beyond.

  • Dedicated time for writing, finishing lab work and MSTP enrichment
  • Clerkship Refresher Week: Workshop to assist transition to Phase 2 clerkships
  • Morning Report: Phase 2 and graduate students attend MSTP Phase 3 clerkship-based case study discussions
  • Residency Selection Workshop: Discuss residency selection and the professional careers of the physician-scientist
Learn about the MCWfusion Curriculum
Medical School Phase 3

Medical School Phase 3

During your individualized clinicals MCW MSTP helps you prepare for residency and beyond.

  • Dedicated time for writing, finishing lab work and MSTP enrichment
  • Morning Report: Phase 3 students present clerkship-based case studies and mentor MSTP graduate and Phase 2 trainees for clerkship preparation
  • Residency Selection Workshop: Discuss residency selection and the professional careers of the physician-scientist
Learn more about the MCWfusion Curriculum