Students at Desk

Notice of Compliance with Laws and Commitment to Civil Rights

The Medical College of Wisconsin is committed to full compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations in the pursuit of our missions. Consistent with recent federal guidance, we affirm our commitment to individual merit, fairness, and equal treatment in all aspects of academic and institutional decision-making. As part of this commitment, we are actively reviewing our policies and materials to ensure they align with federal nondiscrimination obligations.

Health Science and Medical Career Pathway Programs For Current Medical Students

MCW offers programs for current medical school students both at MCW and other institutions that provide specific experiences within certain specialties allowing learners to grow their medical proficiency.
for existing mcw students intro

Browse Our Academic Year Programs

Programs are listed in order of term.
Alyssa Studvent_Testimonial
Pathology Observership Program (Begins September)

Program Description:
Pathology Observership Program

This program is designed for medical students and medical graduates interested in exploring a career in pathology and learning more about the pathology training programs at Medical College of Wisconsin. Participants are encouraged to attend the Peer Review Conference at the multi-headed scope, and to attend lectures and interdisciplinary conferences throughout the hospital and affiliates.

Observers will spend one month participating in the routine service and teaching activities of the department, including:

  • Attending sign out of cases
  • Grossing
  • Autopsies
  • Spending time in clinical pathology laboratories

View Pathology Observership Program Site
Career Path:
Pathology, Medicine


Current medical students and medical graduates


  • Opens March 1
  • Closes September 1

Pathology Observership Program Application
One month program offered September-May

Contact Information:
Kelly Simarski
Education Program Coordinator

Alexander J. Gallan, MD
Associate Professor and Director, Student Observership Program

Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Medical College of Wisconsin
Froedtert/Medical College Lab Building
9200 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53226-3522

Browse Our Summer Programs

Programs are listed in order of term
Sood Lab Summer 2016
Summer Academic Program for Medical Students - SAMS/Medical Student Summer Research Program - MSSRP (Summer Term)

Program Description:
Summer Academic program for Medical Students (SAMS)/Medical Student Summer Research Program (MSSRP)

Each year a limited number of paid research fellowships are available to MCW-Milwaukee medical students during the summer between their M1 and M2 years. These opportunities are designed to expose medical students to cutting-edge basic science, clinical or translational research and to encourage them to explore careers in research and academic medicine. Students are integrated into the laboratories of full-time Medical College of Wisconsin faculty investigators and gain valuable experience as a
member of a research team working on some aspect of the preceptor’s study. The training is designed to help medical students acquire greater understanding of and appreciation for the tools and methodologies that support healthcare innovation and to visualize themselves in the physician-scientist role. Publishing and presenting are two program goals.

View SAMS/MSSRP Program Site 

Career Path:
Current Medical Student


Current MCW-Milwaukee student completing first year of medical school

Intent to participate due December 20
Final applications due February 15

SAMS/MSSRP Application
A limited number of 8 or 10-week paid, full-time (40 hours per week) summer fellowships are awarded competitively to MCW (Milwaukee) medical students wishing to participate in rigorous research or academic experience during the summer enrichment of Phase 1.

Contact Information:
Ramani Ramchandran, PhD
Director of Summer Academic program Medical Programs (SAMS) and Medical Summer
Student Research Program (MSSRP), Professor, Department of Pediatrics and CTSI
rramchan@mcw.edu | (414) 955-2387

Chamia Gary, MS
Program Manager
cgary@mcw.edu | (414) 955-2522

The Visiting Health Equity Program (Begins July)

Program Description:

The Visiting Student Health Equity (VSHE) Program offers participating students an opportunity to connect with MCW faculty, students, and trainees, while receiving mentoring and advising from faculty and trainees. This program is open to all full-time senior medical students attending an LCME-accredited medical school or COCA-accredited osteopathic medical school.

Award Information

Students interested in applying to the Visiting Student Health Equity Program must first submit an application through VSLO (Visiting Student Learning Opportunities) and a separate VSHEP application.

This award is open to all full-time senior medical students seeking to take an MCW 4-week elective for credit during the months of June-December. Rotation dates are established by MCW and noted on the MCW Visiting Senior Medical Students page.

Accepted students will receive an award up to $2,500 to supplement housing, transportation, and other living expenses.

More information is available on the MCW Visiting Senior Medical Students Program page. All program rotations are subject to availability.

Career Path:

Current Medical Student



Program Highlights:

  • Expose students to the outstanding residency programs at MCW,
  • Connect students with faculty, current students, and trainees at MCW,
  • Provide opportunities with MCW faculty mentoring and advising,
  • Provide students an opportunity to experience the City of Milwaukee and surrounding areas.


  • Current 4th year medical school students who are from or have lived experience engaging people in underserved communities in the United States.
  • Be a full-time senior medical student attending an LCME-accredited medical school or COCA-accredited osteopathic medical school.
  • Be in good academic standing at their home institution with a demonstrated record of academic excellence.
  • Program acceptance is not made on any single metric; applications are reviewed holistically.


Applications will be accepted and reviewed beginning April 1, 2025.

VSLO Application

4 Week Elective Program during Academic Year (July-December) 

Contact Information:

Janine Tucker