Physicians Hall Front

Requirements for Flying Drones On or Near the Milwaukee Regional Medical Center Campus

Recreational Drones

Operation of a drone on or near the Milwaukee Regional Medical Center campus by the general public is discouraged due to concerns for the safety of Flight For Life (FFL) staff and patients.

Recreational drone users are required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to notify a hospital if they are operating a drone within five miles of the facility.

Drone hobbyists should call either the hospital switchboard or FFL at (414) 778-3466 and provide the date, time, altitude and location where the drone will be flying. Hobbyists should also provide their cell phone numbers so they can be contacted and asked to land the drone if there are incoming flights.

Campus & Subcontractor Drones

If a campus organization or subcontractor will be using a drone on or near the campus, the following process is required:

  1. Call FFL in advance at (414) 778-3466 and provide the date, time, altitude and location the drone will be flying. If the date and/or time changes, notify FFL with the updated information.
  2. Call FFL again when the drone pilot is ready to launch the drone.
  3. Provide the cell phone number of the staff member who will be escorting the drone operator.
  4. Flight For Life will contact the staff member if there are incoming flights during that time, and the drone will have to land temporarily.