Mother Child W Physician

About the Medical College of Wisconsin Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Program

Program Mission Statement

The Medical College of Wisconsin Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Program's (MCW Med-Peds Program) mission is to provide the strong foundation of specialty training for physicians in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics and support compassionate, altruistic, evidence-based, high quality health care. The MCW Med-Peds Program provides a collaborative culture and a commitment to the principles of life-long learning and healthcare equity to serve the needs of our patients and communities both locally and abroad.

About our Program

The Program

Number of Residents:
6 per year

24 per year pediatrics
27 per year internal medicine

Other programs:
1-2 per year Internal Medicine/Neurology
2 per year Medicine-Geriatrics
8 per year IM preliminary
1 per year Pediatric preliminary
1 per year Internal Medicine Research Pathway
2 per year Internal Medicine Primary Care Pathway
1 per year Peds/Anesthesia
2 per year Peds/Neuro

Guiding Principles:
Maximum Flexibility
Maximum Exposure
Minimum Transition

The Basics:
4 month blocks
2 seasons on each side
2 switch days (in addition to July 1) throughout the year

Internship: 16 months
View the rotations chart (XLS)
Because we rotate between Medicine and Pediatrics every 4 months, it’s easiest to think of residency as 3, 16-month “blocks”, which roughly correlate with the 3 years of the categorical programs.

Categorical Programs:
Internal Medicine Residency Program
Pediatric Residency Program

Med-Peds Links
American Board of Pediatrics
The mission of the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) is to promote high quality health care during infancy, childhood, adolescence, and the transition into adulthood through assuring that the general pediatrician or pediatric subspecialist has successfully completed accredited training and fulfills the continuous evaluation requirements that encompass the six core competencies: patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and improvement, interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism, and systems-based practice. A special agreement exists with the ABP and the ABIM where an applicant may fulfill the training requirements of both the ABP and the ABIM by completing 2 years of accredited training in general comprehensive pediatrics and 2 years of accredited training in general comprehensive internal medicine in an integrated program. An applicant may not take the certifying examination of the ABP until all 4 years of training have been successfully completed.

American Board of Internal Medicine
The mission of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) is to enhance the quality of health care by certifying internists and subspecialists who demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential for excellent patient care. The ABIM and the ABP offer dual Certification in internal medicine and pediatrics. A candidate for dual Certification must receive training in a program approved by both Boards and must be an ACGME accredited combined Internal Medicine/Pediatrics program.

American Academy of Pediatrics
The mission of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is to attain optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents and young adults. To accomplish this, AAP supports the professional needs of its members. The Section on Internal Medicine & Pediatrics (Med-Peds) advocates for Med-Peds Physicians and helps ensure a united voice on activities, research, advocacy and education that is important to med peds physicians.

Society of General Internal Medicine
The Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) was founded in 1978 by a national group of academic general internists committed to promoting research and education aimed at improving healthcare for the whole patient. Today, SGIM is a diverse community of physician and other health professional educators, researchers and clinicians, and students and trainees, all of whom are committed to lead excellence, change, and innovation in clinical care, education, and research in general internal medicine.

Med-Peds Program Directors Association
The Association was formed to advance medical education in combined Internal Medicine-Pediatrics (Med-Peds) Residency Programs, which are approved by the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Pediatrics. MPPDA will work in conjunction with the Association of Pediatric Program Directors (APPD) and the Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine (APDIM) to improve medical education, promote the growth of combined Internal Medicine Pediatrics residencies, educate medical students as to the existence and curriculum of Medicine Pediatrics residencies, and promote the growth of the field of Med-Peds.

National Med-Peds Residents Association
NMPRA is a resident-driven organization dedicated to providing information, opportunities, and programs to current and future Med-Peds residents.

Program Aims

Medical College of Wisconsin Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Program Aims:

  1. To provide an exemplary, compassionate, broad-based experience with complimentary didactic and bedside education that exposes residents to primary care, hospitalist and sub-specialty careers
  2. To provide medical care with integrity and respect to diverse patient populations while upholding accountability to patients, society, and the profession
  3. To demonstrate a commitment to professionalism, adherence to ethical principles, responsiveness to patient needs that superseded self-interest, and life-long learning which includes the development of teaching skills as physician educator to other residents, students, non-physician colleagues, patients and communities
  4. To support interest in basic science and research including quality improvement by pursuing new knowledge and ensuring that all patients receive scientifically appropriate and up to date care while utilizing medical resources wisely
  5. To foster personal and professional well-being that includes resources and programs dedicated to encourage optimal resident and faculty member wellness
  6. To provide and maintain an environment that facilitates development of competencies as described by the ACGME and specialty specific for each trainee to acquire the cognitive knowledge, technical skills and professionalism to succeed in independent practice and certification through successful completion of the American Board of Internal Medicine and American Board of Pediatric examinations.
A Typical Day

Intern on Medicine VA Heme Onc Wards 

179_Breetz_Katherine_20230623Katie Breetz, MD 

5:45-6:20 a.m. - My alarm (or my cat) wakes me up. The first few mornings of a rotation the alarm will wake me up, but once Rolo is used to the time, she inevitably will start petting my face a few minutes before the alarm to wake me up the rest of the month. When I finally convince myself to get out of bed, I’ll start the coffee maker before getting myself and my breakfast/lunch ready to go. 

6:25-6:45 a.m.: My roommate and I live in Brewer’s Hill so it takes 10-12 minutes to get in in the morning. Luckily, there is almost never traffic this early so its an easy drive from my covered parking lot to the covered parking lots available at Children’s, the VA, or Froedtert 

6:45-8 a.m.: Night team will sign out everything that happened overnight (don’t worry, you likely couldn’t have anticipated every page they’ll get!), and then I will pre-round on my patients paying attention to vitals, new labs, new notes, etc. I typically try to do this while already typing in a note so I can organize my thoughts and develop a “rough draft” for my plan of the day. I almost always finish my morning coffee and eat a quick breakfast while pre-rounding 

8-9 a.m.: I go see my patients! These interactions are typically short (and hopefully sweet) to make sure there wasn’t anything I missed. This is also a good time to find nurses and ask clarifying questions if need be. 

9-10:30 a.m.: Now we round as a team! Every attending has their own preference between table vs hallway vs bedside rounds. On weekdays pharmacists (thankfully) round with us which is incredibly helpful! I always ask at least 5-10 questions which saves so much time later 

10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.: After rounds is when the majority of orders are placed, notes are written, patients are discharged, and consults are called. If we’ve table rounded often many of the orders have been placed by your fellow residents which is super convenient for time management 

12-1 p.m.: If we are at a good point in terms of admissions/discharges, this is when we head over to noon conference and I’ll eat my lunch. These are run by different residents or the chiefs to help focus on specific learning points that will be on board exams. 

1-6 p.m.: Continue to do my work to finish all my orders, read other consultant/nursing/therapy notes and recheck in on all my patients. Depending on time, this is typically when I’ll sit and chat with the patients to try and get to know them a little better. 

6-6:15 p.m.: Every day of the week the heme-onc team is admitting at the VA so all the residents will stay until sign out just incase a new patient comes in. Sign-out to the night team happens at 6 so I’ll try to have all my work done before then. If I have anything else to do I will just finish it at the VA after sign out to limit taking work home with me 

6:15-6:45 p.m.: Unfortunately, the drive home typically has a little more traffic, but max will take me 25 minutes. I usually use this time to call family/friends to chat. Once I get home I quickly change out of my scrubs into something more comfortable 

6:45-7:30 p.m.: Usually attempt to get a quick work out in :) Depending on the day I’ll either run or incorporate some weights into my routine. My apartment complex has a gym that I use because it takes less than a minute to get over there 

7:30-9 p.m.: Decide what I want to eat for dinner and try to line up my eating time with my roommate! Once or twice a week we try to make dinners together too so it’s nice to spend this time with her (and we typically get in an episode or two of NCIS) 

9-10 p.m.: Start to wind down and get ready for sleep. I love to read, so will typically read a chapter or two in bed before turning out the lights and making sure my alarm is set for the morning!

Intern on Pediatric Wards

186_Thelan_Leslie_20230623Leslie Thelan, MD

5:15 a.m. I hit snooze a few more times and finally wake up. I’m a throw on my scrubs and go kind of gal, so mornings are usually pretty quick. I’ll grab my overnight oats or granola bar and way too oversized iced coffee with chocolate almond milk for a little pick me up then head out the door.

5:45 a.m. (or even 5:50 a.m. if I really want to push my luck) Drive to the hospital! This is one of the best parts about living in Tosa, only a 1-mile drive! Maybe one day I’ll try biking to work, but for now, I’m very happy with my 3-minute drive. The other best part about the commute is that I don’t even have to go outside which is incredible in the winter. Luckily I go from a nice warm underground parking garage at my apartment to a covered parking garage at the hospital then across the indoor skywalk (on both the medicine and peds side)!

6 a.m. Now it’s time to get sign out from the overnight intern about any overnight updates and/or admits before sending them home to get some rest. Pre-rounding can vary depending on the team census, but this is the time to pre-chart and check in on how your patients did overnight. I’ll start my notes and write down important info on my list (in my color-coded system – a rainbow pen is a must) to give patients and families a little more time to sleep. Checking in on patients, answering any parent questions, and addressing concerns is next on the agenda. I’ll also either bring a med student with me or touch base after they see their patients independently to discuss their thoughts on assessment and plans to make sure we’re all feeling comfortable and confident before rounds.

7:45 a.m. Intern morning report! This is a time led by a chief resident when all of the wards interns and medical students get together in a conference room to go over a case. It’s also a time to practice presenting a patient to a large group if the patient selected happens to be yours. We get comfortable working through differentials for a wide range of things from bread and butter to zebras. It’s helpful to learn from my co-interns and the way they approach things. The other best part about IMR is seeing your co-interns who are on different teams and having a little time to finish your coffee or breakfast!

8:45 a.m.-ish Time for family-centered rounds, which is something that is really valued on the peds side. We’ll usually go into the patient rooms with the whole team or have the family step out in the hallway to go discuss patient status and plans all together. We have nurses, case managers (who help with discharge planning), pharmacists, dieticians, and sometimes even more join us to ensure an interprofessional approach and help us manage all the different aspects of patient care. We always round with computers so while our fellow interns a representing their patients and speaking with family, we help out by placing any needed orders and updating their handoff. The attending and senior resident will encourage you and the family to lead the discussion which is great for autonomy and will add any relevant teaching as the opportunity arises!

11 a.m. The goal is to finish rounding by now to give time finish up post-rounds tasks like placing additional orders and talking with any new consultants to give them time to provide recommendations. If I’m lucky, maybe I can sign notes before lunch too. This is also a great time to give med students feedback on rounds and presentations.

12 p.m. Free lunch! A definite benefit on the peds side is the free lunch. It alternates daily between various salads and sandwiches plus pizza Fridays! There’s also usually some kind of dessert which is another a plus if you have a major sweet tooth like me. We have noon conference daily, which can range from different didactics, case presentations, board prep, etc.; it’s always something new. Friday noon conferences are unbiasedly (probably biasedly) the best because it’s Med Peds conference! This is one of my favorite parts of the week because you get to see your friends who are on the opposite side (medicine vs peds)!

1 p.m. Back to the team room for the afternoon. I’ll usually try to finish notes asap if not already done. We typically get most of our admits in the afternoon, but really they can come at any point during the day so you just kind of go with the flow. Lots of communication with nurses on our Voalte phones happens here too. I’ll also follow up with any consultant specialists, finalize any discharges, and try to get things settled before the night intern comes in. Also a great time for more teaching!

5 p.m. Time for sign out! There’s one intern on each team assigned to a week of nights. The goal is to efficiently and effectively discuss any pending to-dos and provide contingency plans for any issues you think might arise overnight. This is also the time to staff and tuck in any late afternoon admits. I don’t like to take work home, so I’ll stay to finish any notes or last minute things if needed.

5:30 p.m.-ish After work, my evenings can be super variable depending on what’s going on. I try to be active in some way which depends on the season. I’m always rejuvenated after spending time outside, so I’ll usually run on the trails/parks around Tosa or drive to the lakefront for a run! I also love the convenience of the large gym right across the street from the hospital which makes it hard to pass on a quick cycle or kickboxing class (plus we get a major discount)! If I need a more low-key night, I’ll cook dinner with my significant other or walk to a local restaurant/brewery in the Tosa village. Depending on the season/day of the week, we’ll get a group of friends together for a Bucks game, Brewers game, trivia night, or festival!

10 p.m.-ish Get ready for bed and cuddle with my cat! I never thought I’d be a cat mom but here we are. I’ll also check a million times that all of my alarms are set for the morning. Then it’s back to the grind in the morning.

Senior Resident on Medicine Wards

Jared Squires, MD 

0034a_Squires_MD_Jared__06242021_5x7c4:30 a.m.: On days that I am not on call, I will often wake up and go to the gym at this point. On call days, I'll sleep for another hour. 

5:30 p.m.: Make myself a nice breakfast and shower. I'll make sure I have my badge, stethoscope, and on call days a toothbrush and a backup pair of scrubs. 

6:30-7: a.m.: I leave for the hospital. I live in Bay View, slightly south of the city proper, so it is usually about a 15-minute drive at that time in the morning. 

7-9 a.m.: I make sure that either myself or one of my interns has received sign out from the night team, and then typically spend this time pre-charting, reviewing overnight events, vitals, labs and discharge plans. When going to see patients, I prioritize seeing the sickest ones, the ones likely to discharge, and any that the medical students or interns may have more questions on. 

9-11 a.m.: This is typically when rounds begin - often either table rounds, walking rounds or some combination of the two depending on attending preference. I typically advocate for table rounds and seeing the patients who are particularly sick or have notable presentations. Recent events and updates are discussed, and then adjustments to plans are made as necessary. As the senior, I make sure all the patients are covered including discharge plans, rounds run smoothly, and that the medical students are able to present on their patients, as well as being a resource to answer other questions. On call days (every 5th day at Froedtert, and every 4th day at the VA), we often will get an admission or two during rounds, at which point I will take the call, triage the admission, assign it to one of my interns, and then do basic admission orders. 

11 a.m.-12 p.m.: following rounds, we typically "run the list," formally summarizing all tasks that need to be done, sometimes writing these on the whiteboard if available, and then make sure all orders have been entered and that we have talked to our consultants. An advantage of table rounds is being able to do orders and coordinate care as we go. 

12-1 p.m.: Weekdays typically have a noon educational conference to attend, so by this point I have the team wrap up urgent work, get lunch, and go. The noon conferences are often case reports that other residents have encountered, along with how to identify, work up, and manage the conditions. 

2-4 p.m.: This time is typically used for finishing up or following up on tasks from the morning, along with teaching. The attending will often return to go through any updates and teach themselves. 

4 p.m.: On a weekday, this is sign out time! The day teams can begin signing out their patients to the on call team. If my team is on call, myself and the call intern will take sign out from our colleagues. 

4:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m.: When on call, myself, the intern, and often our Sub-I finish taking admissions as well as cross covering the other teams. 

1:30-5:30 a.m.: Admissions stop after 1:30 a.m., so this is often the best opportunity to finish up logistical work and try to sleep in-between pages. 

5:30-6:45 a.m.: At this point, I start pre-rounding, double checking on all of our patients and being available to talk to the interns and medical students. 

6:45-7: a.m.: Sign out cross cover patients back to their original teams. 

7-11 a.m.: Post call rounds being at 7 a.m., to try and have the overnight members of the team leave in timely fashion and avoid breaking duty hours. The intern who was not on overnight (the “sweeper”) pays close attention to the plans for all the patients. When rounds are finished, the post-call team will try to get things set up for the sweeper before signing out. Early in the year an additional senior comes in off of an elective to help the sweeping intern get through everything and to answer any questions. If I'm feeling too tired to safely drive, there are either spare call rooms available to nap in, or the medicine program has a program where we can get an Uber (or other method) home and get reimbursed both for the ride home, and also for the ride to get us back to our car later.

Senior Resident on Allergy & Immunology Elective

0049a_Thanigaivelan_MD_Ilakkiya_06242021_5x7cIlakkiya Thanigaivelan, MD

6:30 a.m.: Alarm goes off, I shamelessly hit “snooze” multiple times before finally waking up. I get out of bed and open up the blinds to reveal the sunrise and the forest nature view from my apartment in Wauwatosa. My morning ritual involves a quick workout at the apartment gym follow by breakfast; my favorite breakfast these days is avocado and egg toast with a chai tea latte.

8:15 a.m.: Living near the hospital has its perks. I’m out the door and logging into a computer at the Allergy and Immunology clinic by 8:35 a.m.

8:50 a.m.: Our first patient is a 3-year-old toddler who presents after an allergic reaction to tree nuts and shellfish. I get to observe all the steps of an allergy skin prick test. The next patient arrives and is a 20-year-old male with asthma and allergic rhinitis. As a MedPeds resident, I’m happy and can confidently see both the children and adults that come into clinic. I go to the PFT lab and watch him perform a pulmonary function test. Afterwards, the attending and I interpret the results of his PFT. We give him the good news that his asthma is well controlled, and our patient is thankful that we found a medication regimen that works for him. We return to our first patient to see that she had a skin reaction to lobster and shrimp. I review teaching with her family on how to use an EpiPen.

12 p.m.: Time for lunch and noon conference. Children's provides lunch for house staff, so I swing upstairs to the resident lounge to grab food. It alternates sandwich day/salad day. Today is a sandwich day, it’s usually a boxed lunch with the sandwich and a few sides. I grab a bag of chips and slice of chocolate dessert pie. I say to friends in the lounge and we walk over to the auditorium for noon conference. Noon conference is different each day. On Thursdays, we have Professor Rounds. A senior resident presents a unique patient case from their time in residency and our professors from all different specialties discuss the diagnosis.

1 p.m.: I come back to clinic and we see more patients. In between patients, my attendings gives a mini-lecture on allergic-rhinitis and allergy shots. We see our last patient for the day, and I finish my notes. I’m grateful for all of the enriching cases and learning opportunities I had today. I’m typically home by 5 p.m. to enjoy the rest of the evening.

5 p.m.: After getting home, I meet up with a neighbor and we take a nature hike with her dog outside the apartment. I live next to Forest Park Exploration Center, a butterfly conservatory, and country grounds park. There are plenty of places to explore, enjoy fresh air, and unwind nearby after work. I enjoy a home cooked meal for dinner. I’m usually in bed by 10 PM, ready for the next day!

The Hospitals

Medical College of Wisconsin Med-Peds Residents have the benefit of working in a very diverse environment. Residents spend the majority of their inpatient time rotating through one of the four main teaching hospitals: Children's Wisconsin, Froedtert Hospital, the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center, and Wheaton Franciscan's St. Joseph Campus. Each hospital provides a unique experience which enhances the overall educational aspects of each clinical rotation.

Children's Wisconsin
Located on the Milwaukee Regional Medical Center Grounds, Children's Wisconsin is one of the leading centers for pediatric health care in the United States. The hospital provides inpatient care, including transport of critically ill or injured children and intensive care services, and more than 70 specialty outpatient clinics that care for the full range of pediatric health care needs.

  • 306 beds, 72 ICU beds, 70 NICU beds
  • Level 1 trauma center
  • Over 26,000 annual admissions and more than 71,400 annual ER visits.
  • Named a Level 1 Children’s Surgery Center by the American College of Surgeons 

Froedtert Hospital
Froedtert Hospital, which is next to Children's Wisconsin, is the primary adult teaching affiliate for the Medical College of Wisconsin; a 735-bed academic medical center that delivers advanced medical care. Froedtert Hospital is nationally recognized for exceptional physicians and nurses, research leadership, specialty expertise and state-of-the-art treatments and technology. It serves as an eastern Wisconsin referral center for advanced medical practice care in over 35 specialties and is a major training facility with more than 1,000 medical, nursing and health technical students in training. 

In partnership with MCW, it is also a respected research facility with more than 2,000 research studies, including clinical trials, conducted every year. Froedtert Hospital operates the region’s only adult Level I Trauma Center. Froedtert Hospital is located on the Milwaukee Regional Medical Center campus. Campus partners are the Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin, Children’s Wisconsin, Curative Care Network, the Medical College of Wisconsin, and the Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division.

  • In U.S. News & World Report, Froedtert Hospital ranks nationally
  • Froedtert Hospital received the prestigious Magnet designation for nursing excellence by demonstrating superior quality in nursing care
  • Over 300 Froedtert and MCW physicians were selected for the Best Doctors in America list.
  • The Human Rights Campaign Foundation recognized Froedtert Hospital as a "Leader in LGBTQ Healthcare Equality" 

Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center
The Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center is located on 125 acres on the western edge of Milwaukee, 6 miles southeast of the Milwaukee Regional Medical Center Grounds. The Medical Center delivers primary, secondary, and tertiary medical care in 113 acute care beds, in addition to domiciliary beds and nursing home care unit beds and provides over 500,000 visits annually through an extensive outpatient program.

  • Regional tertiary care center for VA system
  • Staffed exclusively by Medical College of Wisconsin physicians
  • Nursing home care unit of 113 beds offers geriatric programming
  • 356 domiciliary beds for substance abuse rehabilitation, psychiatric rehabilitation and post-traumatic stress disorder care
  • Newly remodeled/updated primary care clinics and wards
  • National VA electronic medical record/online order system 

Ascension St. Joseph's Campus
Ascension St. Joseph's began when three Franciscan Sisters arrived on a mission to provide nursing care to Milwaukee in 1879. Today, the St. Joseph Campus is an academic, referral, tertiary level care facility providing acute and subacute care for their 197 staffed bed hospital in the heart of Milwaukee.

  • Primary community teaching hospital
  • Over 15,000 ED Visits annually
The Clinics

Training a well-rounded Med-Peds physician requires in-depth patient exposure in both the inpatient and outpatient settings. Our continuity clinic experience pairs a resident with a clinical preceptor from the first month of training with the goal of a four-year longitudinal mentorship that culminates in the graduation of a medically knowledgeable, evidence-based and compassionate generalist physician regardless of their post-residency plans for primary care practice, hospitalist medicine or fellowship training. Continuity clinic residents will care for a diverse patient population in a variety of clinical contexts: well child care, adult preventative care, and diagnosis/treatment/long-term management of diagnosis of common and complex medical problems. Our continuity clinic preceptors supplement evidence-based practice with over 200 years of clinical teaching experience. Our preceptors also practice with specific patient care emphases such as Special Needs, LGBTQIA+ health, Women’s Health as well as office procedures (joint injections, skin biopsies, etc). The flexible scheduling model allows for residents to choose a traditional clinic scheduling option that has the resident in clinic for a half-day per week on all rotations or I/O scheduling with two half-days per week on elective months alternating with fully dedicated time for ward and intensive care unit months. Program leadership also work with individual residents to offer additional opportunities to spend time in the continuity clinic (2 dedicated month-long Outpatient Med-Peds rotations, two weekly clinics for residents planning careers in primary care, etc.).

The resident-run Continuity Clinic Curriculum Committee (affectionately known as “the Quad C”) enhances the continuity clinic experience by overseeing the educational curriculum and utilizing resident feedback in real time to make improvements to our outpatient experience. Duties of the Committee include scheduling and facilitating the Friday Med-Peds Primary Care Conference, which includes a weekly rotation of resident-led/preceptor-mentored interactive primary care lectures as well as sponsoring guest experts who come in from outside the program to teach our residents about specific aspects of primary care. 

Combined Med-Peds Continuity Clinics
Aurora Advanced Healthcare Edgerton Clinic
The Edgerton Clinic is staffed by the Internal Medicine-Pediatrics physicians, Drs. Dominski, Brueggeman, Girolami, and Hang. This suburban practice represents an excellent opportunity for resident continuity clinic and student teaching. This clinic also houses award winning teachers and boasts some of the highest ratings for quality of education in resident training. This clinic site typically precepts 2-3 continuity clinic residents and most residents will rotate here at least once on their Outpatient Med-Peds rotation.

Ascension Clinics
This clinic site typically precepts 2 continuity clinic residents and most residents will rotate here at least once on their Outpatient Med-Peds rotation.

Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin Clinics
Calhoun Health Center
Located west of Milwaukee, the Calhoun Health Center has primary care services as well as specialty care in Radiology & Imaging, Women’s Health and Diagnostic Services. Med-Peds residents staff with Internal Medicine-Pediatric physician and program graduates Dr. Carla Meister and Dr. Luke Schroeder.

McKinley Health Center
McKinley Health Center is located in the heart of Downtown Milwaukee. In addition to primary care, the Sports Science Center (a partnership with the Milwaukee Bucks) is housed here. Med-Peds residents staff the program with program graduate Dr. Adam King. This clinic site typically precepts 2 continuity clinic residents and most residents will rotate here at least once on their Outpatient Med-Peds rotation.

Moorland Reserve Health Center
Moorland Reserve Health Center serves most of the suburbs southwest of Milwaukee and all of Waukesha County. Moorland Reserve Health Center not only houses primary care services, but also a wide-variety of specialty and diagnostic services. Med-Peds residents staff with Internal Medicine-Pediatric Physician and program graduate, Dr. Sobczak. This clinic site typically precepts 2 continuity clinic residents and most residents will rotate here at least once on their Outpatient Med-Peds rotation.

North Hills Health Center
Located near northwest Milwaukee, North Hills Health Center houses not only primary care, but subspecialty clinics including OB and Endocrinology. Anchored with primary care including Med-Peds and Internal Medicine, NHHC serves a diverse patient population and is staffed by the Internal Medicine-Pediatric Physicians, Drs. Barkimer, and our own graduate Dr. Ana Caban Cardona. This clinic site typically precepts 4 continuity clinic residents and most residents will rotate here at least once on their Outpatient Med-Peds rotation.

Springdale Health Center
Located west of Milwaukee, Springdale Health Center  Med-Peds, Ob-Gyn, and Internal Medicine physicians. Med-Peds residents staff with Internal Medicine-Pediatric Physicians, Drs. Cada, Obermyer, Fitzgerald and Olander. This clinic site typically precepts 2-3 continuity clinic residents and most residents will rotate here at least once on their Outpatient Med-Peds rotation.

Tosa Health Center
Tosa Health Center Built in 1998, the Plank Road Clinic at Tosa Health Center is a multidisciplinary academic primary care site approximately 1 mile west of the Medical College of Wisconsin campus. Many of our health system’s most medically complex patients identify Tosa as their medical home. Med-Peds and Family Medicine both practice at this site. Allied health staff available to help care for our patients at Plank include an on-site primary care-based psychologist and a medical home pharmacist. Preceptors at Tosa Health Center include Drs. Lodes, Malcom, Gehl, Padden, Zeglin and Lenz. This clinic site typically precepts 7-8 continuity clinic residents and most residents will rotate here at least once on their Outpatient Med-Peds rotation.

Westbrook Health Center
Westbrook Health Center is located in Waukesha. In addition to Med-Peds providers, Westbrook has rheumatology and sports medicine specialists, along with in-house imaging and laboratory services. Med-Peds residents staff with Internal Medicine-Pediatrics physician and program graduate Dr. Ewing Haas. This clinic site typically precepts 2 continuity clinic residents and most residents will rotate here at least once on their Outpatient Med-Peds rotation.

Scholarly Activities

The Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Program at the Medical College of Wisconsin encourages residents to pursue clinical research opportunities. Scholarship provides residents many potential benefits including: exploration of an academic career, development of credentials to bolster their fellowship application, and nurturing intellectual curiosity.

All residents are encouraged and given financial support to present their scholarly projects at a variety of regional and national meetings. In addition, the Medical College of Wisconsin's Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) supports, through pilot funding, new and promising clinical and translational projects for young investigators.

View the Faculty Collaboration Database to find a faculty member conducting research in your area of interest.

Medical Students, Residents, and Faculty are encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting of the National Med-Peds Residents' Association. The meeting includes poster presentations, case presentations, panel discussions and a keynote speaker. If you’re a student, it’s a great time to learn more about Med-Peds as a career choice, not to mention meet up with residents and program directors. If you are a resident it is a great place to meet up with other residents from around the country, make new friends, reconnect with those who you met along the interview trail, and learn some new skills.

Medical Students, Residents, and Faculty are encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting of the National Med-Peds Residents' Association. The meeting includes poster presentations, case presentations, panel discussions and a keynote speaker. If you’re a student, it’s a great time to learn more about Med-Peds as a career choice, not to mention meet up with residents and program directors. If you are a resident it is a great place to meet up with other residents from around the country, make new friends, reconnect with those who you met along the interview trail, and learn some new skills.

Global Health Track

The COVID-19 Pandemic has changed some of the Global Health Opportunities the past few years and we are excited to announce that some opportunities are now opening again!

Milwaukee’s population is culturally diverse, and within the confines of Children’s Wisconsin we serve a global community. Given the current U.S. national government’s dedication to improving healthcare in this country, as well as local efforts by the Board of Directors of the Children’s Health System of Wisconsin to have the healthiest children in the nation, it is imperative that we train future physicians to confidently treat all patients, regardless of ethnic background. Sixty percent of the residents who receive training at Children’s remain in Wisconsin to care for children in our community—a community that continues to see a large influx of immigrants, international adoptees, growing healthcare disparities and increasing demand for medical pre and post-travel counseling. To best serve our community, and to equip our pediatric trainees to become competent pediatricians globally, the Department of Pediatrics offers a Global Health Training Track.



“I had the wonderful opportunity to spend February 2020 in Punta Gorda, Belize with Hillside Healthcare International. It was a welcome change of pace from typical rotations that challenged me to think in new ways about patients, available resources, and other social determinants of health. My med-peds training was valuable in treating both adults and children in clinics both on-site and at mobile sites. We primarily managed chronic diseases, but in a new light using our available treatments and limited testing. I worked beside US medical students and attendings, but also with Belizean pharmacists, nurses, and medical assistants. It was also an awesome opportunity for self-reflection and the chance to fully immerse myself in a culture and community with the added bonus of weekend travel adventures and new friendships!” – Krista Tuomela, MD (PGY 4)

“During my 3rd year of residency I had the opportunity to participate in a global health rotation in Nepal. I have always had a passion for global and undeserved care and this seemed like a perfect opportunity to further investigate that passion. My healthcare experience took place at an academic hospital in Patan, near the capital city of Kathmandu. The medical exposure that I received was incredible. Cases ranged from primary tuberculosis arthritis to salmonella meningitis; two things that I certainly have never seen in the US. While the cases were interesting the way that the Nepali physicians cared for their patients was also a great learning experiences. They demonstrated the value of a good physical exam, the importance of a thorough history and the skill of working in a resource limited environment. They were kind to their patients and educated families. While the medicine exposure was certainly valuable the culture exposure was also eye-opening and formative for me. The people of Nepal are incredibly generous, warm and welcoming. They are quick to invite you to lunch and learn about who you are as a person. Despite a large portion of the population living on very little you always sensed cooperation, and a desire to care for one another. Overall my rotation in Nepal provided me with an opportunity to learn about medicine, learn about people and culture and learn about myself. I feel very fortunate that I was able to participate in such an experience and I know that I will be a better physician because of it.” –Andrew C. Rose, MD (2020 Med-Peds Grad)





Visit the MCW Office of Global Health page

Other Specialized Tracks

In addition to Global Health, our program offers each resident the option of participating in one of four different tracks: Primary Care, Hospitalist, Research and Hybrid. Each of these tracks permits residents to use elective rotations to complete requirements that are designed to prepare them for specific careers. Residents who complete the requirements will earn a certificate of completion at the end of their residency training, confirming their participation in an enriched residency curriculum. Each track includes a few required experiences, a required scholarly project, suggested activities for educational and administrative development, and faculty mentorship.

It is our intent that these tracks be completely flexible, permitting each resident to individualize their training in the way that is best for them. Participation in the tracks is optional. Residents may choose to participate completely in a track; they may experience only the elements of the track that are of interest to them; or they may choose to not participate in a track at all. Our program is fully committed to supporting the individual interests and goals of each resident, while making sure that all residents complete the training requirements.

Resident Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
Our residents have the opportunity to be part of our Resident Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. As pediatricians training in a city filled with its own diversity and rich cultural history, we recognize the importance of addressing diversity, health equity, and inclusion within our program. Learn about the DOM's DEI efforts.

Learn about our diversity, equity and inclusion committee

Our Graduates

The Medical College of Wisconsin's Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Program was founded in 1992, with our first class of graduates finishing in 1996. Graduates from our program have gone on to a variety of careers in primary care, fellowship training, hospital medicine, and academic medicine. During the past five years, roughly 1/3 of our residents practice primary care Med Peds, another 1/3 go into hospital medicine and the last 1/3 of our graduates pursue further subspecialty training. The training you receive in our program is well-balanced and will prepare you for endless career options.

Kate Alta, DO: Adult Cardiology Fellowship, Utah
Anna Johnson, DO:
Andrew McAsey, MD:
Rebecca Rings Millers, MD: Med-Peds Chief Resident
Christopher Wagner, MD: Combined ID Fellowship, MCW
Timothy Yung, MD: Combined Nephrology Fellowship, MCW 2023
Elizabeth Williams, MD: Med-Peds Chief Resident & Primary Care, Minnesota

Adam Kidwell, MD: Adult Hem/Onc Fellowship, MCW
Joseph Menigo, MD: Med-Peds Hospitalist, Minnesota
Luke Schroeder, MD: Med-Peds Primary Care, MCW Calhoun Health Center
Braden Sciarra, MD: Adult ID Fellowship, Colorado
Zac Telfer, MD: Combined ID Fellowship, MCW
Elizabeth Williams, MD: Med-Peds Chief Resident

Leah Cotter, DO: Med-Peds Hospitalist, MCW
Courtney Gaberino, MD: Allergy/Immunology Fellowship, UW-Madison
Lauren McIntosh, MD: Med-Peds Chief Residents & Hospitalist Fellowship, Colorado
Haley Mertens, MD: Chief Resident for Patient Safety and Quality Improvement & Adult GI Fellowship, Michigan
Daniel Otterson, MD: Primary Care, California
Angelica Willis, MD: Med-Peds Hospitalist, Minnesota

Stefanie DiGiandomenico, MD, Peds Hem/Onc Fellowship, Emory
Kaitlin Kirkpatrick, MD, Peds Rheum Fellowship, Medical College of Wisconsin
Melissa Miller, MD, Chief Resident for Patient Safety and Quality Improvement & Adult Cardiology Fellowship, Kentucky
Helen Padden, MD, Primary Care, Milwaukee
Victor Redmon, MD, Med-Peds Chief Resident & Adult Cardiology Fellowship
Krista Tuomela, MD, Med-Peds Hospitalist, Minnesota

Peter Cote, MD, Primary Care, Milwaukee
Sona Cote, MD, Primary Care, Milwaukee
Benjamin Lipanot, MD, Med-Peds Chief Resident & Adult Critical Care Fellowship, Indiana University
Shannon Murray, MD, Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship, Colorado
Andrew Rose, MD, Med-Peds Hospitalist, Minnesota
David Shoemaker, MD, Adult Rheumatology Fellowship, Virginia

Elizabeth Partain, MD, Med Peds Urgent Care, Milwaukee, WI
Brad Johnson, MD, Adult Cardiology Fellowship, Medical College of WI
Besma Jaber, MD, Combined Adult and Pediatric Critical Care Fellowship, Medical College of WI/Children's Wisconsin
Cameron Malone, MD, Hospitalist, Milwaukee, WI
Katie Berlin, DO, Chief Resident for Patient Safety and Quality Improvement, Medical College of WI & Neonatology Fellowship, MCW
Lindsay Hang, MD, Med-Peds Chief Resident & Primary Care, Milwaukee

Keowa Bonilla, MD, Med Peds Hospitalist, Milwaukee, WI
Ashley Brunmeier, MD, Adult Cardiology Fellowship, University of Kentucky
Katrina Byrd, MD, Combined Adult and Pediatric Infectious Disease Fellowship, Brown University, RI
Kaitlyn Joyce, DO, Med Peds Primary Care, Marquette, MI
Kate Luskin, MD, Allergy & Immunology Fellowship, Scripps, CA
Abby Walch, MD, Pediatric Endocrinology Fellowship, UCSF

Laura Adams, MD, Adult Endocrinology Fellowship, University of Louisville, KY
Mike Girolami, MD, Med-Peds Chief Resident and Med-Peds Primary Care, Greenfield, WI
Hema Krishna, MD, Adult Cardiology Fellowship, University of IL-Chicago
Shela Sridhar, MD, Global Health Fellowship, Harvard University, Boston, MA
Stephen Wilkinson, MD, Medicine Chief Resident, University of CA-Riverside Medical School and Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship, Michigan State University

Ebba Hjertstedt, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Hospital Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jim McCarthy, MD, Med-Peds Hospitalist, Children's Wisconsin and Froedtert Hospital
Maura Steed, MD, Med-Peds Hospitalist, Northwestern, Chicago, IL
Sheila Swartz, MD, Med-Peds Hospitalist, Children's Wisconsin and Froedtert Hospital
Carmen Cobb, MD, Med-Peds Chief Resident and Med-Peds Hospitalist, Children’s Wisconsin and Froedtert Hospital and Co-Director of Peds Global Health

Social Life as a Med-Peds Resident


One of the most important aspects of our program is the camaraderie that exists between the residents. There is no shortage of fun in the Med-Peds Program. We work hard, but we always make time for relaxation and fun. Below is a sample of the social opportunities our Med-Peds Residents get to experience throughout their residency. Also, our residents are invited to the social events and activities of both categorical programs. 

Med-Peds Monthly Residency Dinners
The Med-Peds monthly residency dinner is hosted at rotating Med-Peds resident and faculty homes and includes residents' families. In the winter, we use one of our get-togethers to go sledding or ice skating.

Med-Peds Biennial Residency Retreat
A time for residents, staff and their families to get away for some bonding time. Held off-site, this 2-day retreat at a local water park gives residents the time to reflect on their residency while bonding with their colleagues.

Med-Peds Annual Brewer’s Tailgate and Game or Boat Ride on Lake Michigan
As part of our orientation for our incoming interns, we meet and get to know one another at our annual Brewer’s Tailgate and game. When the Brewers do not play at home during orientation, we instead take a boat ride on Lake Michigan to meet our newest class.

Graduation Celebrations
Dinners and more dinners during the month of June. A great time to celebrate the achievement of our graduating seniors.


Yes, Milwaukee!
Milwaukee is a wonderful community that has the advantage of an urban, metropolitan city without the stress or cost. Milwaukee offers a variety of career opportunities, excellent universities, low commute times, diverse neighborhoods, affordable housing and abundant recreational choices. Milwaukee also boasts professional sports teams, museums and activities, outstanding restaurants and performing arts comparable to cities more than twice its size. The Milwaukee Region’s size, accessibility and friendliness are among its greatest attributes. It’s easy to meet people and maintain acquaintances. Not to mention, Milwaukee is less than 80 miles away from Chicago – a good perk if you are looking for a quick weekend getaway.

There is no shortage of recreational activities in Wisconsin. In Milwaukee County alone, there are more than 15,000 acres of parks, the greatest acreage per person in the country. In 2009, the Milwaukee County Parks System was awarded the National Gold Medal for Excellence by the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration and the National Recreation and Park Association. We have an abundance of biking trails, golf courses and a strong running community.

Whether you are here for a day, a weekend or your residency, you can have a variety of experiences, making it a perfect place to explore. Find your perfect itinerary at Visit Milwaukee!

The Big City of Little Neighborhoods
Milwaukee is not so much a city as a large collection of neighborhoods situated on the shores of Lake Michigan, often referred to as the Big City of Little Neighborhoods. With eleven distinct neighborhoods, Milwaukee has a huge variety of affordable housing options not to mention the beautiful suburbs just to the south, west and north of the Medical Complex. Current and past MCW residents have lived everywhere from revitalized warehouse buildings overlooking Lake Michigan in the Historic Third Ward neighborhood to farmhouses with lots of extra land and everywhere in-between, all within a short commute to the Milwaukee Regional Medical Complex.

As a starting point, please feel free to visit the following sites for a look into what neighborhood or suburb might be right for you:

Visit Milwaukee

Real Estate Search

Resident Spouse/Significant Other Association
Underrepresented in Medicine
Visit our Underrepresented in Medicine page for more information.
Applying to Our Program
  1. A Complete ERAs Application Form
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Personal Statement
  4. Photograph
  5. Dean's Letter
  6. A minimum of 2 Letters of Recommendation
  7. Transcript
  8. USMLE or COMLEX National Board Examination results

If you have been in another residency training program, please include a letter from your previous program director. Applications will be accepted through ERAS.

Benefits, Conditions and Terms of Employment

Frequently Asked Questions

Are residents given appropriate responsibility for patient management?
Yes, residents are given progressive responsibility with close faculty supervision as defined by the ACGME.
Are residents given the opportunity to participate in global health medicine?
Yes. Established in 2007, the Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics Global Health Program is an integral part of the Med-Peds Residency Program. Currently, numerous Med-Peds residents are enrolled in the Global Health Track which includes local and virtual health events. Residents also have the opportunity to participate in away, international rotations working on scholarly project. Additionally, the Office of Global health at the Medical College of Wisconsin offers additional support, didactics, and training for global health leaders and seeks to address inequities on a local and global scale.
Are there any meetings solely for Med-Peds residents?
Yes, one dedicated Med-Peds Noon Conference is offered each week. In addition, there is a monthly dedicated Med-Peds dinner, a yearly Med-Peds graduation, Med-Peds intern welcome activities, a 2nd year Med-Peds luncheon, and a Med-Peds biennial retreat. We also provide an additional opportunity to serve on our own continuity clinic committee.
Are there enough patients to provide a strong training experience?
Absolutely. One of the benefits of the Medical College of Wisconsin is the depth of rich patient care experiences, including both common and complex disease processes and also wellness and preventative care.
Can I do a visiting student clerkship at MCW?
Yes, please visit the Visiting Senior Medical Student page for more information.
Can residents participate in research?
Yes, this is highly encouraged, but not required to graduate other than completing a Quality Improvement/Scholarly Project per ACGME requirements. There are multiple opportunities to start and engage in scholarly activity across campus. Residents have been part of the full spectrum of bench research, clinical trials, large database research, and medical education. Research projects are published each week in the resident newsletters and the Longitudinal Curriculum for Accelerated Scholarship (LOCAS) is offered to all med peds residents through the Internal Medicine residency. Search MCW's Faculty Collaboration Database for current research being done by our faculty. 
Does MCW have an advisor system?
Yes, all med peds residents participate in the formal Resident Advisor Program each year. As interns, we work with your current career goals to match you with a faculty mentor from the start of residency. This formal mentorship as well as additional informal mentors are based on your needs as you continue through training. 
Does the program pay for any conferences?
Yes, there is a travel fund up to $1500 to attend a conference during residency. Additional funds may be available for residents who are presenting research at meetings.
Do you have a night float system?
The majority of our rotations are on a night float system. When on Pediatrics, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is on a call-based system and while on Internal Medicine the General Inpatient Ward teams operate on a call-base system.
How are new residents oriented to the residency program?
There is a formal orientation process that includes hospital systems orientation, computer systems orientation, PALS and NRP training, policies and procedures review, rotation overviews, library resources, medical track overviews, general competencies and case-based discussions, etc. ACLS is done prior to orientation.
How are PGY-1s supported by the Residency Program?
PGY-1 residents are given extensive orientation prior to beginning internship and are encouraged to attend the weekly Med-Peds noon conferences and monthly Med-Peds Dinners, including the PGY 1 welcome activities. In addition to the Med-Peds Program Director, Associate Program Director, and Coordinator, there is a dedicated Med-Peds Chief Resident that is also available 24/7 for questions and support of the PGY-1 residents. We also offer an Advisor Program and a Resident Mentor Program.
How are residents evaluated?
Residents are evaluated on each rotation via a standardized evaluation form by the faculty based on the ACGME Milestones. Residents are also evaluated by peers, patients/families, support staff, and self-evaluations.
How do residents contribute to the educational experience at the Medical College of Wisconsin?
Medical students are a part of the team on most rotations and residents are integral to their experience and learning. Residents work with medical students on their clinical skills as well as clinical reasoning and medical knowledge. Residents are also given the opportunity to teach medical students at other times including medical interviewing courses, physical exam workshops, bioethics small group discussions and career networking. Residents are key to the learning of their co residents as they prepare and lead various noon conferences and didactics with the support of chief residents throughout their training.
How long is the MCW Med-Peds internship?
16 months
How many Med-Peds-trained faculty are there at MCW?
There are over 40 Med-Peds trained physicians affiliated with the Medical College of Wisconsin. Med Peds faculty can be found in combined primary care clinics, combined hospitalist roles, and many subspecialties across campus.
How many months do residents spend at the Hospitals?
Approximately half of the inpatient training occurs at Children's Wisconsin and Froedtert Hospital, although other sites include the VA Medical Center and a community-based hospital site, St. Joseph's Hospital.
How much emphasis does the program place on primary care and ambulatory care training?

Primary care and ambulatory training are essential to Med-Peds training. In addition to continuity clinics and ambulatory rotations, there is a dedicated Outpatient Med-Peds Continuity Clinic Curriculum and Outpatient Med-Peds rotation months. On the pediatrics side, residents spend 8 weeks throughout residency at our downtown pediatrics clinic where they work with mostly underserved populations. 

How much time do resident spend at their outpatient primary care continuity clinic?
While on Pediatric rotations, residents attend continuity clinic at least one half day per week. On Internal Medicine rotations, you may elect to continue this half day of clinic every week regardless of the rotation or choose an “I and O” schedule where you do not attend clinic during your inpatient rotations ("I" months) and instead attend a full day of clinic each week during non ward months (''O" months). As a PGY2-4, you may elect to increase your continuity clinic time each week to pursue more primary care experience.
How often do residents switch between departments?
Residents switch between internal medicine and pediatrics every 4 months. This allows for the ability to see seasonal variability in illnesses, but still provides adequate time in each specialty.
How often do residents take in-training examinations?
Both internal medicine and pediatric in-training examinations are offered and paid for by the program yearly.
Is there a board review course?

Yes, there are board review courses for both internal medicine and pediatrics. Each residency has structured board preparation throughout scheduled didactics PGY1-PGY4 years. In additional, there is a three day long Internal Medicine review course that occurs in May and June of each PGY4 year and a virtual Pediatrics course in late August available for all graduated residents. 

What are the advantages of training at MCW?
MCW provides a strong foundation of primary care and specialty training for physicians in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics and support compassionate, altruistic, evidence-based, high quality health care. The MCW Med-Peds Program provides a collaborative culture and a commitment to the principles of life-long learning and healthcare equity to serve the needs of our patients and communities both locally and abroad.
What are the main characteristics the program is seeking in house officer candidates?
We are seeking well balanced house officer candidates with excellent communication and a commitment to provide the highest standard of patient care.
What is the diversity of residency programs at MCW?
The Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals (MCWAH) is committed to the recruitment, training and graduation of talented residents from diverse backgrounds. Both the internal medicine and pediatric residencies have robust DEI committees that our med peds residents participate in. We also have a med peds DEI chair who acts as a liaison between categorical committees and a leader within our combined program. In addition to residency DEI journal clubs, noon conferences, speakers, and workshops MCW also offers events through the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.
What is the overall emphasis of the career choices of former residents?
There is a balance of primary care, hospitalists and fellowship applications from former residents. We have multiple residents who have even pursued combined fellowships!
Can you describe the patient population?
Our residents care for a diverse patient population at MCW. Milwaukee is 39% Black, 36% White,18% Latinx, 4.6% Asian, 0.5% Native. This is representative of the patients we see in the hospital and in clinics. Our patients are from the spectrum of socioeconomic backgrounds, and many different cultures. Milwaukee is also home to a large refugee population and our residents care for these patients on both Pediatrics and Internal Medicine. We see a mix of private insurance, Medicare/Medicaid, and uninsured patients.