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MCW Process and Financial Frequently Asked Questions

Institutional procedures regarding card use, distribution, and management.

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How long does a Payment transaction take to be processed in Oracle?
Study Payment processing into our Oracle system occurs at the end of each day, so reporting of daily transaction activity is generally available on a next day basis.

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What data points are required for Payments?
  • Subject’s Legal First Name
  • Subject’s Legal Last Name
  • Street Address including Apartment Number if applicable
  • City, State, Zip code
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender

*SSN if stipend payments will reach over $201 in a calendar year

*Email if subject would like to register their card to use as a Debit card

How do I request new compensation cards?
Follow this Payments Card Request link to request & obtain new cards. The Financial Reviewer can request cards and generally obtain them on a same-day basis, depending on the timing of the request. Please contact MCW Accounts Payable for urgent requests.  

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How do I replace a lost or stolen compensation card?
The coordinator must use the Replace Payments Card Form to request issuance of replacement cards.

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Payment has been approved. How long until funds are available to the Participant?
Payments are usually available by the end of the next business day.
Who is allowed to open the envelope that the Payments card comes in?
Due to liability issues only the participant is allowed to open the envelope.
Is there are card activation fee?

NO. There is no card activation fee.

Note: There is fees charged if the participant uses the card at an ATM (Check Balance, Withdrawal).

Download the Participant Handout for additional details.

Download Handout

Are there costs associated with using Payments?
Other than the actual payments to participants and any approved reimbursements, there is NO cost to your department as MCW will pay for all other costs associated with use of the Payment System.
What documentation do I need to provide for Participant Reimbursements?
All reimbursements must be substantiated with documentation to support the expense including the amount, date, place, supplier or individual (employee or non-employee) name and address and a detailed description to support the business purpose of the expense.

Acceptable documentation must show proof and method of payment. If proof of payment is not part of the documentation, a separate document must be supplied to satisfy this requirement. A copy of a cancelled check, credit card receipt or credit card statement is acceptable.

Original receipts or scanned images are acceptable when receipts are required.

PDF Format only.
What do I do with reimbursement receipts?
Every day, whenever a reimbursement(s) has been reviewed and approved, the documents must be attached to an email and sent to ap_participant_reimb@mcw.edu. Please include the Payments Protocol Number/Name and Subject Name in the email.
What is 1099 Tax Reporting?
1099 Tax Reporting refers to reporting of taxable payments for certain non employee compensation, rents, royalties and other supplier payments.
Where do I submit required documentation for Reimbursements
Send copies of all Reimbursement Receipts and Mileage forms to ap_participant_reimb@mcw.edu