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Academic and Student Services

MCW Office of the Registrar | Student Resources

Important resources regarding academic calendars, handbooks, catalogs, schedule of classes, transcripts, verifications, and links to forms.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, as amended, is a federal law administered by the U.S. Department of Education that protects the privacy of student records, provides students the right to inspect their records, and provides students the right to request amendment of their records. It is recommended students familiarize themselves with the Medical College of Wisconsin’s FERPA policy.

A current or former student who wishes to authorize the release of non-directory records (e.g. academic standing, class schedule, evaluations, grades, etc.) to third parties (including but not limited to lenders, licensing boards, parents, prospective employers, spouses, etc.) must contact the Office of the Registrar for the appropriate form.

A current or former student who wishes to authorize the release of their transcript must complete the appropriate Request for Official Academic Transcript form. See Transcripts section.

School Schedules, Courses and Academic Policies

Academic Calendars

The Office of the Registrar maintains academic calendars for each campus and school within MCW. The calendars are subject to change. Please be certain to confirm class start and end dates, exam dates, and other important dates in Brightspace and/or OASIS.

Add/Drop Deadlines

Graduate School: A student may add/drop a class no later than five days after the start of the class.

Medical School: The add/drop deadline is the 15th, two months preceding the month in which the class begins. View 2023-2024 MCW-Milwaukee Medical School Add Drop Grade Deadlines (PDF).

  • July: May 15
  • August: June 15
  • September: July 15
  • October: August 15
  • November: September 15
  • December: October 15
  • January: November 15
  • February: December 15
  • March: January 15
  • April: February 15
  • May: March 15
  • June: April 15

Note: Medical students may change Pathways through the first Thursday of the class.

Pharmacy School: A student may not drop/withdraw from any class required for completion of the program unless he/she pursues a permanent or temporary withdrawal from the entire program.

View MCW academic calendars

Student Handbooks and Academic Bulletins
  • All Student Bulletin (PDF)
    The MCW All Student Bulletin contains information, policies, and procedures for all students enrolled at the Medical College of Wisconsin. It is to be used in conjunction with the MCW School of Graduate Studies Handbook, the Medical School Handbook and/or the School of Pharmacy Handbook which include information, policies and procedures specific to the schools.
  • School of Graduate Studies
  • Medical School
  • MSA Program
  • Pharmacy School
Course Catalog

View the course catalog for general MCW course offerings, course descriptions and restrictions.

View the course catalog

Schedule of Classes

View the schedule of classes for specific class offerings.

View the schedule of classes

Milwaukee Medical School Scheduling

View detailed information about add/drop and grade deadlines, scheduling requirements and options for the third and fourth year, specific information about searching for courses and registration in MCWconnect, as well as away electives for final year students.

(MCW credentials required to access.)

Review Milwaukee medical school scheduling information

Records, Requests and Forms


A current student may access an unofficial academic transcript via MCWconnect.

A current student may request an official academic transcript through the National Student Clearing House (NSC). Please follow this link to access the National Student Clearinghouse, where you can complete your order for an official transcript from MCW. Transcripts are available in a secure electronic format or for mail delivery.

View the Transcript Key (PDF)


A current student may request an enrollment verification and supporting information such as academic standing, anticipated graduation date, class schedule, etc. by contacting the Office of the Registrar for the appropriate form.

Additional Resources

USMLE Step 1 Registration


All medical students at MCW are required to take and pass the USMLE Step 1 exam to be eligible for promotion to the Phase 3 curriculum. Students are allowed three attempts to pass the exam.

At the end of your Phase 1 coursework, students will be scheduled for a 4-week Individual Professional Development (IPD) period to help prepare for the Step 1 exam. Most students take the exam after completing Phase 1, when the basic science material is still fresh and before starting their clerkships.

USMLE Step 1 Registration

  1. Register for Step 1: Click the link to begin registration and follow the instructions provided.
  2. You will need to enter your name exactly as it appears on a valid government-issued ID, which will be required for exam entry. This ID cannot be expired!
  3. After registration, you will receive your USMLE ID and password within one business day.
  4. Exam fee information.
  5. Register through NBME and select a 3-month eligibility period for your exam. Pay the fee to access the "Certification of Identification" form.
    1. Add a passport-quality photo to the form (clear, plain background, full color).
    2. Complete the “Applicant Agreement and Authorization for Processing Online Transactions” and hand-sign the form (typed signatures are not accepted).
  6. Submit the completed Certification of ID form to acadreg@mcw.edu for approval.
    1. Our office will complete the "Authorized Medical School Official" section and send the form to NBME.
    2. The registration form is valid for 5 years (MSTP students should note this).

Electronic Submission of Certification of ID Forms

NBME will accept electronically submitted Certification of ID forms if:

  1. The form is emailed directly from the authorized school official.
  2. It includes the student's photo and handwritten signature.
  3. The authorized school official’s signature is included.

After Your Application is Processed

Once your application is processed by NBME (2-3 weeks), you will receive a “scheduling permit,” allowing you to schedule your exam at a Prometric Test Center. You may not schedule more than six months in advance of your eligibility period.

View more details on Prometric sites and scheduling on the Prometric website. Be sure to read all information on what you can bring to the exam and what to avoid.

For further details, review the Bulletin of Information and Common Questions on the USMLE website.