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Medical College of Wisconsin Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Research Study - Assessing the Function of Individual Cells in Patients with Retinal Conditions

Purpose of study:
This project is being done to understand the function of individual photoreceptors in individuals with retinal conditions and/or normal vision using retinal imaging tools and visual function tests.

What retinal conditions are we looking for?
A retinal condition of interest could include any disease/abnormality of the retina including, but not limited to, inherited retinal degenerations, retinal detachment, macular hole, previous trauma, inflammation, vascular compromise, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, among others.

What is involved?
You will be in this study for up two years, with up to two visits annually. Each visit will take a maximum of 7 hours and may be conducted at the Eye Institute and/or Marquette University. Study visits will include questionnaires, an eye exam, vision testing, visual function testing, and retinal imaging.

Research volunteers will receive $15/hour, up to $90 per visit, for participating in this study.

You may be eligible to participate in this study if you meet these criteria.

  1. You are 18 years or older
  2. You have normal vision
  3. You have been told by a doctor that you have a retinal condition

More information
Contact Katie M with questions, (414) 955-7866 or kmckenney@mcw.edu.)

IRB approval date 11/25/2020

Please select an option below.

Your Information

Which condition best describes you?

Please answer Yes or No to the following questions:

Additional Information

Contact Ophthalmology

For patient care inquires, call us at (414) 955-2020 or use MyChart. Email is for research and education inquiries only.

Eye Institute Location

925 N. 87th St.

Milwaukee, WI 53226



(414) 955-2020

(414) 955-6166 (fax)


Continuing Medical Education

Amanda Tan


(414) 955-2049


Medical Education Coordinator



Associate Director of Development - Ophthalmology

Sarah Walker


Refer to Us - Consultation requests

Patient Referral Form (PDF)

Fax to (414) 955-0136


Emergent Requests

Within 48 hours call

(414) 955-2020



Vesper Williams


(414) 955-7862


Advanced Ocular Imaging Program


(414) 955-2647


Eye Institute Executive Director (Administrator)

Shannon Dreier


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