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MCW reVIEW serves as a collaborative effort from the Medical College of Wisconsin's faculty and students to create a repository of educational resources for learners and faculty throughout ophthalmology and visual sciences. 

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An educational space for Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Browse our library of materials to enhance your knowledge within ophthalmology and visual sciences and learn more about the medical student and residency programs we offer at MCW.

Learning Resources

Select from a variety of educational materials from our MCW faculty including case studies, virtual journal clubs and retina quizzes. Whether you're a physician, student, resident or fellow, we hope you find these resources useful.

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Virtual Journal Club

Review and analyze various medical journal articles and take an optional quiz on key factors within the articles.

View Our Journal Articles
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Retina Quizzes

A repository of case-based quizzes from Dr. Dennis P. Han highlighting retina cases using images to examine the patient's conditions and outcomes.

Take Our Quizzes
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Case Studies

This is a collection of case studies to help you get an insight on the typical history and initial examination of various ophthalmic disorders

View Our Case Studies

Find out more about our ophthalmology programs at MCW

Ophthalmology Residency Program

Ophthalmology Residency Program

The Medical College of Wisconsin residency training program in Ophthalmology is designed to prepare resident physicians to achieve sufficient professional ability to practice competently and independently in the diagnosis and management of medical and surgical diseases of the eye.
Ophthalmology Residency Program
Student Ophthalmology Medical Association

Student Ophthalmology Medical Association

Student Ophthalmology Medical Association (SOMA) is a student organization that aims to provide medical students at MCW with the opportunity to learn about ophthalmology as a potential specialty and participate in service projects related to the field.
Visit SOMA

Disclaimer for Patients

Although these cases provide a little information on the typical presentation of various ophthalmic diseases it should not replace a personal consultation with an ophthalmologist or other eye care provider. If you are having any problems with your vision, feel free to call (414) 955-2020 and make an appointment to see any of us. We would be delighted to see you.

Contact MCW Ophthalmology

Eye Institute Location

925 N. 87th St. Milwaukee, WI 53226