Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
Graduate Medical Education

MCWAH Communicable Diseases Vaccination Requirement

As the sponsor of ACGME accredited residency and fellowship training programs, the Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals (MCWAH) requires its housestaff to take necessary actions to maintain a safe and healthy working, learning and patient care environment for all.

MCWAH believes that vaccination against certain communicable diseases is a safe and effective means of reducing the burden of disease in our community, and is important for the health and safety of patients, visitors, employees and learners at our affiliated training sites. To that end MCWAH requires either vaccination for certain communicable diseases or a MCWAH approved Accommodation Exemption for all its housestaff and any visiting residents or fellows.

Full requirements and details are outlined in MCWAH’s Communicable Diseases Vaccination Policy, a complete copy of which can be found on this website under Institutional Policies.