Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
Graduate Medical Education

MCWAH Drug and Alcohol Testing

The Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals (MCWAH) is committed to providing a safe and healthy learning and work environment for our residents and fellows (collectively "housestaff") and to ensuring the welfare and safety of the patients we serve. The abuse of drugs or alcohol can have a serious adverse effect not only on housestaff well-being and performance, but also on patient safety.  MCWAH prohibits the abuse, unlawful possession, diversion, distribution and illegal use of drugs or alcohol by housestaff.  Housestaff must report to work fit to practice and must not be under the influence of alcohol or any drug that impairs their ability to perform their job duties.

To ensure a safe and effective learning and care environment MCWAH policies allow housestaff testing and/or an evaluation for drugs or alcohol any time there is reasonable suspicion that a housestaff may be under the influence. In addition, MCWAH housestaff are subject to the policies of the sites they train at which may include pre-placement testing, for cause testing and/or random testing for drugs or alcohol. Further, individual MCWAH training programs may initiate non-discriminatory, program-wide random testing at any time. Housestaff who test positive for drugs or alcohol will be referred to appropriate resources for assistance. Depending on the facts and circumstances of the situation housestaff who test positive for drugs or alcohol may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. In addition, depending on the timing, MCWAH may seek a waiver of its match commitment.  Further information can be found in the following MCWAH Institutional Policies: "Alcohol and Controlled Substance Abuse Diversion" and "Fitness for Duty Evaluations."