protein structures and brain images

Faculty, Staff, Students, & Alumni in the Department of Biophysics at the Medical College of Wisconsin

Primary Faculty


Francesca M. Marassi, PhD

Professor, Chair, and Eminent Scholar; Associate Director, MCW Cancer Center Shared Resources


Mona Al-Gizawiy, PhD

Assistant Professor


Gang Cheng, PhD

Assistant Professor


Jimmy B. Feix, PhD



Neil Hogg, PhD

Professor; Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, School of Graduate Studies; Vice Chair for Education in Biophysics; Program Director, Biophysics Graduate Program; Director, Redox Biology Program


Roger H. Johnson, PhD

Associate Professor; Director of Programmatic Grants and Strategic Partnership Development, Cancer Center


Balaraman Kalyanaraman, PhD

Harry R. & Angeline E. Quadracci Professor in Parkinson’s Research


Candice S. Klug, PhD

James S. Hyde Professor of Biophysics; Director, National Biomedical EPR Center; Vice Chair for Research in Biophysics


Vanessa A. Leone, PhD

Assistant Professor


Michael T. Lerch, PhD

Associate Professor


Fabrizio Marinelli, PhD

Assistant Professor; Recruitment Director, Biophysics Graduate Program


Nikolai J. Mickevicius, PhD

Assistant Professor


Kyungsoo Shin, PhD

Assistant Professor


Jason W. Sidabras, PhD

Assistant Professor


Gopinath Tata, PhD

Assistant Professor


Jeannette Vasquez Vivar, PhD

Professor; Vice Chair for Research in Biophysics; Associate Director, Redox Biology Program


Jacek Zielonka, PhD, DSc

Assistant Professor; Director, Redox & Bioenergetics Shared Resource

Graduate Faculty


Candice S. Klug, PhD

James S. Hyde Professor of Biophysics; Director, National Biomedical EPR Center; Vice Chair for Research in Biophysics


Jeffrey R. Binder, MD

Professor of Neurology, Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Anatomy, and Biophysics; Director of Stroke and Neurobehavior Programs, Department of Neurology; Director of Language Imaging Laboratory, Department of Neurology


Matthew D. Budde, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery


Joseph Carroll, PhD

Richard O. Schultz, MD / Ruth Works Professor of Ophthalmology Professor of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, Biophysics, and Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Anatomy Director, Advanced Ocular Imaging Program


Jimmy B. Feix, PhD



Leonardo Fernandino, PhD

Assistant Professor of Neurology, Biophysics, and Biomedical Engineering; Interim Vice Chair, Faculty Affairs and Development, Department of Neurology


Adam Greenberg, PhD

Associate Dean of Postdoctoral Education, School of Graduate Studies; Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering; Associate Professor of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences; Director of the Sensory Neuroscience, Attention, and Perception Laboratory


William Gross, MD, PhD

Associate Professor


Neil Hogg, PhD

Professor; Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, School of Graduate Studies; Vice Chair for Education in Biophysics; Program Director, Biophysics Graduate Program; Director, Redox Biology Program


Kevin M. Koch, PhD

Professor, Department of Radiology; Director, Center for Imaging Research (CIR); Division of Imaging Sciences


Peter S. LaViolette, PhD, MS

Professor; Director, Quantitative Imaging Laboratory, Medical College of Wisconsin; Section of Imaging Research, Division of Imaging Sciences


Michael T. Lerch, PhD

Associate Professor


Francesca M. Marassi, PhD

Professor, Chair, and Eminent Scholar; Associate Director, MCW Cancer Center Shared Resources


Nikolai J. Mickevicius, PhD

Assistant Professor


Andrew S. Nencka, PhD

Associate Professor; Associate Director, Center for Imaging Research (CIR); Section of Imaging Research, Division of Imaging Sciences


Eric Paulson, PhD

Professor, Radiation Oncology, Radiology and Biophysics; Chief of Medical Physics


Jason W. Sidabras, PhD

Assistant Professor


Jeannette Vasquez Vivar, PhD

Professor; Vice Chair for Research in Biophysics; Associate Director, Redox Biology Program


Jacek Zielonka, PhD, DSc

Assistant Professor; Director, Redox & Bioenergetics Shared Resource

Secondary Faculty


Piero G. Antuono, MD

Professor of Neurology, Pharmacology and Toxicology


Jeffrey R. Binder, MD

Professor of Neurology, Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Anatomy, and Biophysics; Director of Stroke and Neurobehavior Programs, Department of Neurology; Director of Language Imaging Laboratory, Department of Neurology


Matthew D. Budde, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery


Joseph Carroll, PhD

Richard O. Schultz, MD / Ruth Works Professor of Ophthalmology Professor of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, Biophysics, and Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Anatomy Director, Advanced Ocular Imaging Program


Edgar A. DeYoe, PhD

Principal Investigator; Professor (Radiology; Department of Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Anatomy); Associate Professor (Department of Biophysics); Graduate Faculty, Programs in Cell & Developmental Biology, Neuroscience and Biophysics; Section of Imaging Research, Division of Imaging Sciences


Kevin M. Koch, PhD

Professor, Department of Radiology; Director, Center for Imaging Research (CIR); Division of Imaging Sciences


Peter S. LaViolette, PhD, MS

Professor; Director, Quantitative Imaging Laboratory, Medical College of Wisconsin; Section of Imaging Research, Division of Imaging Sciences


Andrew S. Nencka, PhD

Associate Professor; Associate Director, Center for Imaging Research (CIR); Section of Imaging Research, Division of Imaging Sciences


Eric Paulson, PhD

Professor, Radiation Oncology, Radiology and Biophysics; Chief of Medical Physics


Reza Shaker, MD

Joseph E. Geenen Professor & Chief


Raul A. Urrutia, MD

Professor, Department of Surgery; Director, Linda T. and John A. Mellowes Center for Genomic Sciences and Precision Medicine


Yang Wang, MD, PhD

Professor; Division of Imaging Sciences

Emeritus Faculty


Christopher Chitambar, MD

Professor Emeritus


Shi-Jiang Li, PhD

Professor Emeritus

Adjunct Faculty

Brian Bennett, DPhil

Professor and Chair, Physics, Marquette University

Sarah Erickson-Bhatt, PhD

Assistant Professor, Physics, Marquette University

Richard R. Mett, PhD

Professor, Physics and Chemistry, Milwaukee School of Engineering; RF Engineer, National Biomedical EPR Center

Daniel B. Rowe, PhD

Professor, Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Marquette University

Robert A. Strangeway, PhD

Professor, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Microwave Engineer, National Biomedical EPR Center



Swapna Bera, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher (Marassi Lab)


(414) 955-4033


Sandra Byju, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher (Marinelli Lab)



Kesaban Choudhuri, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher (Leone Lab)


(414) 955-8348


Kyle A. Johnson, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher (Sidabras Lab)



Rajlaxmi Panigrahi, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher (Marassi Lab)


(414) 955-4017


Akansha Sharma, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher (Sidabras Lab)


(414) 955-4990


Nicholas Wood, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher (Marassi Lab)


(414) 955-4009

Lab Staff


Jennifer V. Gavina

Research Technologist I (Zielonka Lab)


(414) 955-2953


Agnes Keszler, PhD

Research Scientist I (Hogg Lab)


(414) 955-4307


Callie Koenig

Research Technologist I (Klug Lab)



Melissa Prah

Engineer II (Schmainda Lab)


(414) 955-5704


Karthika Samimuthu, MS

Research Associate (Marassi Lab)



Richard Scherr

Engineering Technician III


(414) 955-4026


Kathryn Schultz, PhD

Research Scientist I (Klug Lab)


(414) 955-4796


Joseph Wehrley

Engineering Technician II (Sidabras Lab)


(414) 955-4024


James Woodcock

Research Technologist I (Vasquez Vivar Lab)


(414) 955-3601



Laura Borst

Business Operations Coordinator


(414) 955-4361


Lydia Washechek

Grants Operations Coordinator Sr.


(414) 955-4956

Graduate Students


Anand Anilkumar

Graduate Student (Sidabras Lab)



Patrick Brennan

Graduate Student (Lerch Lab)



Nicholas Cina

Graduate Student (Klug Lab)



Tyler Gallun

Graduate Student (Mickevicius Lab)



Alex Garces

Graduate Student (Lerch Lab)



Bryna Goeckner

Graduate Student (Meier Lab)



Brooke Greiner

Graduate Student (Greenberg Lab)



Carlos Herrada

Graduate Student



Alyssa Kraft

Graduate Student (Marassi Lab)



Somayeh Najafi Hamedani

Graduate Student (Paulson Lab)



Biprojit Nath

Graduate Student (LaViolette Lab)



Alex Skitowksi

Graduate Student (Gross Lab)



Tyler Trask

Graduate Student



Aleksandra Winiarz

Graduate Student (LaViolette Lab)



Cassie Zehr

Graduate Student (Lerch Lab)


Graduate Student Alumni

We have a long history of successful graduate students, who have gone on to become leaders in their fields.

Casey Anderson
Advisor: Kevin Koch, PhD

Peter Bandettini
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Human Brain Activation Using Endogenous Susceptibility Contrast (1994)
Advisor: James S. Hyde, PhD

Barry Belanger
The Measurement of Scattered Radiation in Clinical Diagnostic X-Ray Procedures Employing Area Beam Detectors: A Practical Method for Scatter Correction in Digital Fluoroscopy (1987)
Advisor: Charles R. Wilson, PhD

Kevin Bennett
The Continuous Distribution of Restricted Water Diffusion Rates in Brain Tumors (2003)
Advisor: James S. Hyde, PhD

Raoqiong (Tong) Bennett
Power Spectral Density Imaging to Expand the Nyquist Limit (2001)
Advisor: Robert W. Cox, PhD

Michael Bigelow
Mechanisms of Stone Crystal Attachment to Inner Medullary Collecting Duct Cells (1996)

Rasmus Birn
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Presence of Task-Induced Motion (1999)
Advisor: Robert W. Cox, PhD

Bharat Biswal
Physiological Fluctuations in Functional MRI (1996)
Advisor: James S. Hyde, PhD

Samuel Bobholz
Radio-Pathomic Mapping and Validation of Glioma Pathology Using Autopsy Tissue Samples as Ground Truth (2022)
Advisor: Peter S. LaViolette, PhD, MS

Zachary Boyd
Investigation of Accelerated Quantitative MRI Parameter Estimation Using Deep Learning Methods (2020)
Advisor: Eric Paulson, PhD

Katarzyna Broniowska
Transport-Dependent Effects of S-Nitrosothiols at the Protein, Cellular and Organ Levels (2008)
Advisor: Neil Hogg, PhD

Adam Buchaklian
Structure and Dynamics of the MsbA Homodimer Using Site-Directed Spin Labeling Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (2007)
Advisor: Candice S. Klug, PhD

Ching-Fang Chang
Multifaceted Effects of NO on Breast Tumor Bioenergetics and Chemosensitivity (2014)
Advisor: Neil Hogg, PhD

Guangyu Chen
Imaging Analysis of Brain Network and Its Application to Alzheimer's Disease (2013)
Advisor: Shi-Jiang Li, PhD

James Christensen
Position and Velocity Measurement in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using the Spatially Inhomogeneous Reception Fields of Local RF Coil Arrays (1991)
Advisor: James S. Hyde, PhD

Alexander Cohen
Diffusion Weighted Imaging and Magnetic Resonance Elastography for the Extraction of Tissue Characteristics in the Brain and Body (2014)
Advisor: Kathleen M. Schmainda, PhD

Moses Darpolor
An Assessment of Vascular Normalization in 9L Gliosarcoma Brain Tumor Using Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC) Imaging and Dynamic Contrast Enhancement (DCE) Imaging (2006)
Advisor: Kathleen M. Schmainda, PhD

Ritobrato Datta
Distributed Topography of Human Visual Attention (2006)
Advisor: Edgar A. DeYoe, PhD

Zhen Ding
The Metabolism of S-Nitrosothiols and the Role of Nitric Oxide in Macrophage Activation (2013)
Advisor: Neil Hogg, PhD

Savannah R. Duenweg
Non-invasive Tracking of Prostate Cancer Risk Assessment Using Radio-Pathomic Mapping (2024)
Advisor: Peter S. LaViolette, PhD, MS

Ethan J. Duwell
Effects of Retino-cortical Miswiring on Visual Cortex Organization and Function in Albinism (2021)
Advisor: Edgar A. DeYoe, PhD

Ali Ersoz
Advanced Data Acquisition and Reconstruction Techniques for Fast Radial Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2016)
Advisor: L. Tugan Muftuler, PhD

Yan Fang
Advisor: Shi-Jiang Li, PhD

Eric Ferguson
The Homocysteine Thiolactone Adduct of Low-Density Lipoprotein (1998)
Advisor: Balaraman Kalyanaraman, PhD

Timothy Flewelen
Oxidative Stress in Sickle Cell Disease: The Contribution of Cell-Free Hemoglobin in Plasma (2012)
Advisor: Neil Hogg, PhD

Derek Francis
Structural Dynamics of Visual Arrestin (2008)
Advisor: Candice S. Klug, PhD

Wolfgang Gaggl
High Resolution Reduced Field-of-View Diffusion Tensor MR Imaging Using Spatially Selective RF Pulses (2012)
Advisor: Robert Prost, PhD

Gayatri Ganeshan/Mitchell
Advisor: Jimmy Feix, PhD

Samantha Gies
Biophysical Characterization of the Conformational Dynamics of the Bacterial Phospholipase ExoU (2021)
Advisor: Jimmy Feix, PhD

Steven Goss
Antioxidant Effect of Nitric Oxide on Human Low-Density Lipoprotein (1998)
Advisor: Balaraman Kalyanaraman, PhD

William Gross
Using fMRI to Improve Outcome in the Surgical Treatment of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (2011)
Advisor: Jeffrey R. Binder, MD

Andrew Hahn
Mathematical Models to Improve Complex-Valued fMRI in the Presence of Motion, Confounding Physiologic Phenomena, and Temporal Variations in Bulk B0Magnetic Field Inhomogeneity (2012)
Advisor: Daniel B. Rowe, PhD

Mariam Hartley
Roles of Metals and Metal Ligands in the Active Site of Vibrio proteolyticus Aminopeptidase (2010)
Advisor: Brian Bennett, PhD

Alex Helfand
Toward a Gold Standard: An Outcomes-Based Assessment of fMRI-Based Methods for Probing Language Laterality in the Brain (2020)
Advisor: Jeffrey Binder, MD

Amy Herlihy
Application of Non-Linear Gradient Fields to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (1997)
Advisor: Andrzej Jesmanowicz, PhD

Andrew Huettner
Magnetic Resonance Imaging RF Pulse Design Techniques Applied to Neuroimaging and Musculoskeletal Imaging (2016)
Advisor: Andrew Nencka, PhD

Michael Ibrahim
Mathematical and Pharmacokinetics Modeling of MRI Contrast Agents' Transport into the Intervertebral Discs (1994)
Advisor: Victor M. Haughton, MD

Donald Jacobson
Measurement of Compact and Cancellous Bone Density in the Proximal Femur with Quantitative Computed Tomography (1989)
Advisor: Charles R. Wilson, PhD

Todd Jensen
Detection of Brain Tumor Invasion Within Edema Using Multiparametric Imaging and Computational Intelligence (2006)
Advisor: Kathleen M. Schmainda, PhD


Heather Kaminski
CM15 Modification: Further Development of AMPs as Novel Antibiotics (2012)
Advisor: Jimmy B. Feix, PhD

Nick Kettenhofen
Development and Application of a Novel Fluorescent Labeling Strategy for the Assessment of Protein S-Nitrosation (2009)
Advisor: Neil Hogg, PhD

Changseon Kim
Dual-Energy Computed Radiography for the Quantitative Bone Mineral Densitometry (1995)
Advisor: Charles R. Wilson, PhD

Young Ro Kim
Evaluation of Fractional Blood Volume Measurement Methods Using Intravascular T1 Contrast Agent and a Rat Tumor Model (2001)
Advisor: Kathleen M. Schmainda, PhD

Aaron Kittell
The Development and Application of Non-Adiabatic Rapid Sweep Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (NARS EPR) Spectroscopy (2012)
Advisor: James S. Hyde, PhD

Candice Klug
Structural and Stability Studies on the Ferric Enterobactin Receptor FepA Using Advanced EPR Spectroscopy Techniques (1998)
Advisor: Jimmy B. Feix, PhD

Jack Knight-Scott
Simultaneous Measurement of the Longitudinal and Transverse Relaxation Times for In Vivo Single-Voxel Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1996)
Advisor: Shi-Jiang Li, PhD

Hanane Koteiche
Probing the Active Site of Phosphoribulokinase Using Spin Labeling Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1997)
Advisor: James S. Hyde, PhD

Jason Kowalski
Structural Insights into Biological Copper from the Perpendicular Region of the CuII Electron Paramagnetic (Spin) Resonance Spectrum at 1–2 GHz (2010)
Advisor: Brian Bennett, PhD

Peter Kufahl
Expansion of the Acute Cocaine fMRI Study in Human Brain: Expectation Control and Multivariate Statistical Processing (2006)
Advisor: Shi-Jiang Li, PhD

Amit Kumar
Characterization of Substrate Binding in Leucine Aminopeptidase from Vibrio proteolyticus (2006)
Advisor: Brian Bennett, DPhil

Mike Larson
Examining Phosphatidylethanolamine Externalization on Cells and Microparticles in Hemolysis and Hemolytic Anemia (2013)
Advisor: Neil Hogg, PhD

Peter LaViolette
Advanced Brain Tumor Characterization Using MRI (2011)
Advisor: Kathleen M. Schmainda, PhD

Seung-Yi Lee
From Characterization to Treatment of Cervical Spinal Cord Injury in Rat Models Using Multimodal Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2022)
Advisor: Matthew Budde, PhD

Rupeng Li
High Resolution Functional MRI Investigation of Cortical Plasticity Following Peripheral Nerve Injury and Repair (2012)
Advisor: James S. Hyde, PhD

Wenjun Li
An Investigation of Early Detection, Neurodegeneration, and Drug Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Resting-State Imaging Techniques (2012)
Advisor: Shi-Jiang Li, PhD

Zhu Li
Reducing Susceptibility Artifacts with 8-Shimmed Background Gradient Compensation Method and Its Application in fMRI Study of Human Cocaine Abuse (2002)
Advisor: Shi-Jiang Li, PhD

Jun Liu
Structure-Function Relationship of the Escherichia coli Ferric Enterobactin Receptor, FepA: Molecular Genetic and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spin Label Studies (1994)
Advisor: Jimmy B. Feix, PhD

Xiping Liu
Pharmacological MRI Investigation of Levo-Tetrahydropalmatine Treatment Mechanisms on Drug Addiction (2009)
Advisor: Shi-Jiang Li, PhD

Hanbing Lu
fMRI at Subcortical Resolution in Rat Whisker Barrel Cortex (2003)
Advisor: James S. Hyde, PhD

Wen-Ming Luh
Comparison of Simultaneously Measured Cerebral Blood Flow and Blood Oxygenation Using Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling in High Resolution MRI (1998)
Advisor: James S. Hyde, PhD

Feng Luo
Investigation of the Pharmacological MRI Signal Induced by Cocaine or Heroin in Rat Brain (2004)
Advisor: Shi-Jiang Li, PhD

Mahadevappa Mahesh
Study of the Accuracy of Bone Mineral Measurements Using Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (1993)
Advisor: Charles R. Wilson, PhD

Stephen Mazurchuk
An Experiential Account of Semantic Category Organization in the Brain (2024)
Advisor: Jeffrey R. Binder, MD

Sean McGarry
Predictive Modeling of Prostate Cancer Biomarkers with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2020)
Advisor: Peter S. LaViolette, PhD, MS

Hassane Mchaourab
Methodology and Theory of Multiquantum EPR, ELDOR, and ENDOR with Application to a Spin-Labeled Analog of the ION-Channel Peptide Cecropin AD (1993)
Advisor: James S. Hyde, PhD

Karen Medler
Advisor: Edgar A. DeYoe, PhD

Briana Meyer
Spinal Cord Perfusion MRI: Technical Advancements with Arterial Spin Labeling and Application to Preclinical Traumatic Injury (2023)
Advisor: Matthew Budde, PhD

Mary Elizabeth Meyerand
Single-Shot Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Time Encoding (1996)
Advisor: Andrzej Jesmanowicz, PhD

Nikolai Mickevicius
Imaging Framework to Support Real-Time Online Adaptive Replanning on the MR-Linac (2017)
Advisor: Eric Paulson, PhD

Paul Nagy
Quantitative Pinhole Focal Spot Measurements: Projection and Dynamic Characteristics(1999)
Advisor: Charles R. Wilson, PhD

Jana Narasimhan
Effect of Copper and Gallium Compounds on Ribonucleotide Reductase (1992)
Advisor: William E. Antholine, PhD

Andrew Nencka
Improving the fcMRI BOLD Signal Through the Characterization of Processing Effects (2009)
Advisor: Daniel B. Rowe, PhD

Kent Ogden
Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Dual-Energy Digital Chest Radiography: Simultaneous Correction of Scatter Radiation and Resolution Degradation Via the Expectation Maximization Algorithm (1999)
Advisor: Charles R. Wilson, PhD

Daniel Olson
Accelerating Data Acquisition for Advanced Diffusion MRI Models (2018)
Advisor: L. Tugan Muftuler, PhD


Maria Parfenova
Advisor: Jimmy Feix, PhD

Arvind Pathak
The Assessment of Brain Tumor Angiogenesis Using Susceptibility Contrast Agent Based Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2001)
Advisor: Kathleen M. Schmainda, PhD

Eric Paulson
Development and Application of Perfusion and Susceptibility-Weighted MRI Methods for the Assessment of Gliomas (2008)
Advisor: Kathleen M. Schmainda, PhD

Christopher Pawela
Functional MRI of Sensorimotor and Visual Networks in Rat Brain Before and After Deafferentation Induced Neuroplasticity (2008)
Advisor: James S. Hyde, PhD

Suzanne L. Pendl
The Left Angular Gyrus and Event Knowledge: A Multimodal Investigation (2015)
Advisor: Jeffrey R. Binder, MD

Siveshigan Pillay
Anesthetic and Ascending Arousal System Modulation of Cortical Functional Integration and Bold Functional Connectivity in the Rat Brain (2013)
Advisor: Anthony G. Hudetz, PhD

Carol Popp Weingarten
Electron-Electron Double Resonance and Saturation-Recovery Studies of Nitroxide Electron and Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation Times and Heisenberg Exchange Rates: Lateral Diffusion in Model Membranes (1982)
Advisor: James S. Hyde, PhD

Douglas Prah
The Development of Diffusion and Contrast Agent MRI Biomarkers for the Evaluation of Neoplasms (2008)
Advisor: Kathleen M. Schmainda, PhD

Robert Prost
Two Dimensional Chemical Shift Imaging of Glutamate and Glutamine at 0.5 T with Application to Neurodegenerative Disease (1999)
Advisor: Shi-Jiang Li, PhD

Alexander M. Puckett
A Neuroimaging Based Model of Cortical Visual Attention in Humans (2013)
Advisor: Edgar A. DeYoe, PhD

Chad Quarles
The Morphological and Functional Assessment of Brain Tumor Vasculature Using Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2004)
Advisor: Kathleen M. Schmainda, PhD

Marija Raguz
Function of Cholesterol in the Eye Lens (2010)
Advisor: W. Karol Subczynski, PhD

Danielle Reitsma
Investigating fMRI Visual Field Maps in Human Visual Cortex with Central Damage (2013)
Advisor: Edgar A. DeYoe, PhD

Richard Riese
Adherence of Kidney Stone Microcrystallites to Renal Papillary Collecting Tubule Cells in Primary Culture (1990)
Advisor: Neil S. Mandel, PhD

Vinai Roopchansingh
Compensation of Static and Dynamic Magnetic Field Perturbations in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2004)
Advisor: Andrzej Jesmanowicz, PhD

Andrew Salzwedel
Exploring the Neural Machinery of Color Vision: A BOLD fMRI-based Investigation (2014)
Advisor: Edgar A DeYoe, PhD

Kathryn (Westfahl) Schultz
Biochemical and Biophysical Characterization of Five Key Mutations in the ABC Transporter MsbA (2011)
Advisor: Candice Klug, PhD

Tiesong Shang
Mitochondria Signaling in Chemically-Induced Parkinsonism: Free Radical Dependent and Independent Pathway (2005)
Advisor: Balaraman Kalyanaraman, PhD

Daniel Shefchik
Mapping Relaxivity and B-field Parameters in EPI Warped Space to Inform Functional MRI Studies (2015)
Advisor: James S. Hyde, PhD

Melvin Siedband
Commutated Ion Chambers for Measurement of Field Uniformity (1995)
Advisor: Charles R. Wilson, PhD

Nathan Skinner
Assessment of Spinal Cord Injury in a Rat Model using an Orthogonal Filter-Probe Diffusion Encoding Scheme (2017)
Advisor: Matthew D. Budde, PhD

Allen Song
Diffusion Weighted fMRI: A Study of Signal Origin (1995)
Advisor: James S. Hyde, PhD

Netanya Spencer
S-Nitrosothiols, Nitric Oxide, and Heme Proteins (2003)
Advisor: Neil Hogg, PhD

Benjamin Stengel
Organization of Conceptual Knowledge within the Cerebral Cortex (2012)
Advisor: Jeffrey R. Binder, PhD

Jiaqing (Tony) Tong
An embodiment account of event concept representation in the brain (2022)
Advisor: Jeffrey Binder, MD

Melissa Wagner Schuman
The Relative Activity of the L and M Cone Photoreceptors and the Cause and Prevention of Myopia (2010)
Advisor: Jay Neitz, PhD

Eric Wong
The Design and Applications of Local Gradient Coils for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (1991)
Advisor: James S. Hyde, PhD

James Wu
Pharmacokinetic Study of In Vivo Fluid Dynamics Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents (1992)
Advisor: James S. Hyde, PhD

Jun Xie
fMRI and Functional Connectivity Study of Human Heroin Addiction (2008)
Advisor: Shi-Jiang Li, PhD

Guofan Xu
Arterial Spin Labeling Magnetic Resonance Imaging & Functional Synchrony of Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent Signal Analysis in Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Onset (2006)
Advisor: Shi-Jiang Li, PhD

Xingyu Xu
Advisor: Shi-Jiang Li, PhD

Zhan Xu
MR Pulse Sequence Design of the Intra-Shot Adapted Keyhole (ISAK) Acquisition Method and Its Applications in Functional MRI (2018)
Advisor: Shi-Jiang Li, PhD

Jun-Jie Yin

Mathematical Models of Spin Dynamics in Spin-Labeled Membranous Systems with Experimental Verifications Using CW ELDOR and Pulse Saturation Recovery Electron Spin Resonance (1987)
Advisor: James S. Hyde, PhD

Hua Yuan
Structural Investigation of Copper Binding Sites in Proteins: Particulate Methane Monooxygenase (1998)
Advisor: William E. Antholine, PhD

Rongyan Zhang
Functional MRI Using Magnetization Transfer (1998)
Advisor: Robert W. Cox, PhD

Yanhong Zhang
The Transport and Metabolism of S-Nitrosothiols (2004)
Advisor: Neil Hogg, PhD

Hongtao Zhao
Detection of Superoxide by ESR Spin Trapping and Hydroethidine Fluorescence (2005)
Advisor: Balaraman Kalyanaraman, PhD

Xiaoli Zhao
Applying Sensitivity Encoding to Spectroscopic Imaging (2002)
Advisor: Shi-Jiang Li, PhD

Xiaoguang Zhu
Development and Application of Non-Invasive Imaging Methods for the Evaluation of Acute Myocardial Infarction (2010)
Advisor: Ming Zhao, PhD

Ya Zhuo
EPR Spectroscopy Studies of Non-visual Arrestins (2014)
Advisor: Candice Klug, PhD